
Snjall dyrasími fyrir einbýlishús og íbúð

Snjall dyrasími fyrir einbýlishús og íbúð
  • Kína
  • M60

Lykil atriði:
-Staðlað POE aflgjafi
-Vatns- og rykheldur einkunn IP65
-2MP HD myndavél
-Nætursjón virka, hvíta ljósfyllingarljósið
-Margar leiðir til að opna hurðina: strjúktu kort, innistöð og APP fjarstýring opna hurðina
-Fljótleg stilling á vefbreytum
-Öryggisviðvörun heima


Operation systemLinux system
Flash128 MB
Operation method One/Four Button
Camera2.0 million pixels
Card Capacity20K
NetworkWi-Fi not support
Network ProtocolTCP/IP, UDP, HTTP, DNS, RTP
Net Port1(RJ45)
InstallationFlush mounting

M60 is a smart intercom station with door phone function for common villa and apartment residence intercom. It has multiple ways to unlock villa and apartment door: swipe card, indoor station and APP remote unlock the door. It is designed for villa, apartment residences buildings. It is equipped with a binocular camera. It is equipped with professional audio and video processing algorithms and design with 20K card capacity. House-owner can unlock villa door by swiping card, and visitor can unlock door by calling the indoor station or the owner's APP.

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